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Dr. Zohar Ben-Moshe

Research Advisor & Lab Administrator





The outcomes of a dysfunctional circadian clock system and mechanisms of light-entrainment in zebrafish



  1. Confino S, Wexler Y, Medvetzky A, Elazary Y, Ben-Moshe Z, Reiter J, Dor T, Edvardson S, Prag G, Harel T, Gothilf Y (2024). A deleterious variant of INTS1 leads to disrupted sleep-wake cycles. Dis Model Mech. 2024 Aug 1;17(8):dmm050746. doi: 10.1242/dmm.050746.

  2. Baniel A, Ziv L, Ben-Moshe Z, Sarig O, Mohamad J, Peled A, Rechavi G, Gothilf Y, Sprecher E (2022). Cutaneous and Developmental Effects of CARD14 Overexpression in Zebrafish. Biomedicines. Dec 8;10(12):3192. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10123192. PMID: 36551948; PMCID: PMC9775151.

  3. Confino S, Dor T, Tovin A, Wexler Y, Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Kolker M, Pisanty O, Park SK, Geyer N, Reiter J, Edvardson S, Mor-Shaked H, Elpeleg O, Vallone D, Appelbaum L, Foulkes NS, Gothilf Y. A Zebrafish Model for a Rare Genetic Disease Reveals a Conserved Role for FBXL3 in the Circadian Clock System. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb 21;23(4):2373. doi: 10.3390/ijms23042373. PMID: 35216494.

  4. Ruggiero G, Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Wexler Y, Geyer N, Vallone D, Gothilf Y, Foulkes NS (2021). Period 2: A Regulator of Multiple Tissue-Specific Circadian FunctionsFront Mol Neurosci. Sep 3;14:718387.

  5. Shainer I, Michel M, Marquart GD, Bhandiwad AA, Zmora N, Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Zohar Y, Hazak A, Mazon Y, Förster D, Hollander-Cohen L, Cone RD, Burgess HA and Gothilf Y (2019). Agouti-Related Protein 2 Is a New Player in the Teleost Stress Response System. Current Biology 29(12):2009-2019.e7.

  6. Baniel A, Ziv-Strasser L, Bonen H, Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Peled A, Mohamad J, Sarig O, Rechavi G and Sprecher E (2018). 772 Development of a zebrafish model for CARD14-associated human disorders. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 138. S131. 10.1016/j.jid.2018.03.782. 

  7. Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Alon S, Vallone D, Bayleyen Y, Tovin A, Shainer I, Nisembaum LG, Aviram I, Smadja-Storz S, Fuentes M, Falcón J, Eisenberg E, Klein DC, Burgess HA, Foulkes NS, Gothilf Y (2016). Genetically Blocking the Zebrafish Pineal Clock Affects Circadian Behavior. PLoS Genet. 21;12(11):e1006445

  8. Samuel A, Rubinstein AM, Azar TT, Ben-Moshe Livne Z, Kim SH, Inbal A (2016). Six3 regulates optic nerve development via multiple mechanisms.  Sci Rep. 6: 20267.

  9. Ben-Moshe Z, Foulkes NS and Gothilf Y (2014). Functional development of the circadian clock in the zebrafish pineal gland. Biomed Res Int 235781.

  10. Ben-Moshe Z, Alon S, Mracek P, Faigenbloom L, Tovin A, Vatine GD, Eisenberg E, Foulkes NS and Gothilf Y (2014). The light-induced transcriptome of the zebrafish pineal gland reveals complex regulation of the circadian clockwork by light. Nucleic Acids Res 42(6): 3750-3767.

  11. Tovin A, Alon S, Ben-Moshe Z, Mracek P, Vatine G, Foulkes NS, Jacob-Hirsch J, Rechavi G, Toyama R, Coon SL, Klein DC, Eisenberg E and Gothilf Y (2012). Systematic identification of rhythmic genes reveals camk1gb as a new element in the circadian clockwork. PLoS Genet 8(12): e1003116.

  12. Mracek P, Santoriello C, Idda ML, Pagano C, Ben-Moshe Z, Gothilf Y, Vallone D and Foulkes NS (2012). Regulation of per and cry genes reveals a central role for the D-box enhancer in light-dependent gene expression. PLoS One 7(12): e51278.

  13. Ben-Moshe Z, Vatine G, Alon S, Tovin A, Mracek P, Foulkes NS and Gothilf Y (2010). Multiple PAR and E4BP4 bZIP transcription factors in zebrafish: diverse spatial and temporal expression patterns. Chronobiol Int 27(8): 1509-1531.

  14. Vatine G, Vallone D, Appelbaum L, Mracek P, Ben-Moshe Z, Lahiri K, Gothilf Y and Foulkes NS (2009). Light directs zebrafish period2 expression via conserved D and E boxes. PLoS Biol 7(10): e1000223.

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